Get updates in real time about what features are landing, when...updated 27 August 2024

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Welcome to our WorkflowMax by BlueRock live feature release blog! This blog is updated in real time so you can easily see what features are landing, when...

 Functionality marked in red with an * is new in WorkflowMax by BlueRock (not available in WorkflowMax by Xero).

Feature Live

Coming soon / Approx. release date

Login & registration
  • Login
  • Registration
  • Forgot password
  • Multi-factor authentication - mid-April 2024

  • Organisation (excluding change timesheet first day of week)
  • Client
  • Job
  • Lead
  • Task
  • Cost
  • Staff
  • Capacity
  • G/L Accounts
  • Collaboration Manager
  • Custom Fields
  • UK - Domestic Reverse Charge Tax (client specific override) - end of March 2024  
  • Personalise report logo & email personalisation - early-April 2024
  • Organisation settings: timesheet first day of week - mid-April 2024
  • Data import (job costs) - end of May 2024
  • Notifications - early July 2024:
    • New job task
    • New job cost
    • Completed job task
    • Job assigned
    • Job status change
  • Data import (update) - early August 2024:
    • Costs
  • Notifications (Standard) - end of August 2024
  • Notifications (Custom) - end of August 2024
    • New job
    • New lead
  • Notifications (Custom) - September 2024
    • Estimated vs Actual time
    • New adhoc job
    • New adhoc time
    • Milestones
  • Data import (create) - end of August 2024: 
    • Clients/Contacts
    • Suppliers/Contacts
    • Job Tasks
  • Data import (create) - September 2024: 
    • Jobs
    • Leads
    • Staff
    • Timesheets
    • Client Relationships
    • Custom Fields
    • Payments
  • Data import (update) - September/October 2024: Remaining types
  • Data export - September 2024
Standard print templates
  • Job
  • Job brief
  • Job activity
  • Estimated billings
  • Estimated billings by phase (folder)
  • Timesheets
  • Timesheet summary
  • Receivables statement
  • System default invoice
  • System default quote
  • System default purchase order
  • Ability to export as a PDF
  • Job financial summary - end of March 2024 
  • Ability export as CSV - early July 2024 ✅
  • Ability to export as Excel file - end August 2024
  • Job deadline report  - September 2024
  • Job status report - September 2024
  • Staff allocation report - September 2024
Custom print templates
  • Purchase order
  • Invoice
  • Invoice statement
  • Job brief
  • Quote
  • Ability to export as Word - early-April 2024
  • Quote
  • Invoice
  • Invoice statement
  • Purchase order
  • Ability to email documents that have been stored in WorkflowMax as attachments
  • Email client contact from a job - end of May 2024

  • All existing user privileges
  • Ability to invite certified advisors/implementation partners into your account
  • My Productivity Summary
  • My Tasks
  • Quote History
  • My Jobs
  • Aged WIP
  • Aged Debtors
  • My Quotes
  • Job Manager - Progress
  • Enter a cost from dashboard - mid-June 2024
  • Revenue* - Q3 2024
  • Profit* - Q3 2024
Timer widget (Menu - top right)
  • All existing functionality
  • Pause timesheets (duration mode only)* - Q3 2024
Global search (Menu - top right)  
  • All existing functionality - mid September 2024 (contact Support to request beta access)
  • Ability to search/filter results* -  Q3 2024
  • All existing functionality excluding merge clients
  • Ability to associate one contact with multiple clients
  • Merge clients - early June 2024
  • Ability to create/save/load advanced filter views - September 2024
  • Merge contacts* - Q3 2024
  • All existing functionality excluding print/export supplier information
  • Print/export supplier information - Q3 2024
  • All existing functionality
  • All existing functionality
  • Ability to use custom fields on a quote
  • Ability to mark tasks as optional on a quote
  • Variations/multiple accepted 'master' quotes* - Q4 2024
Job manager
  • All existing functionality excluding job/staff schedule and consolidated task list (Jobs > Tasks)
  • Consolidated task list (Jobs > Tasks) - mid July 2024
  • Job/staff schedule - September 2024
  • Ad-hoc jobs - September 2024
  • All existing functionality excluding time credits
  • Enter a time credit - end of July 2024
  • Ability to populate custom fields in weekly timesheet* - Q3 2024
  • Ability to enter a weekly timesheet when using start/stop mode* - Q3 2024
  • All existing functionality
WIP ledger
  • All existing functionality
  • View WIP at a certain date - end of July 2024

  • All existing functionality Ability to track receipts and bills separately (improved workflow)
  • Upload documents to a PO* - Q3 2024
Standard Reports
  • Aged Balance Report
  • Billable Time Report
  • Client Billing Report
  • Client Revenue Report
  • Job Billing Report
  • Job Report
  • Profit Report
  • Staff Billing Report
  • Sales Tax Report
  • Job Financial Summary Report
  • Monthly Job Profit Report
  • Client Time Summary Report
  • Client Time Detail Report
  • Job Time Summary Report
  • Job Time Detail Report
  • Staff Time Summary Report
  • Staff Time Detail Report
  • Estimated Billings Report

Ability to export standard reports as a PDF  - early September 2024

  • Aged Balance Report
  • Billable Time Report
  • Client Billing Report
  • Client Revenue Report
  • Tax Report
  • Job Billing Report
  • Job Report
  • Monthly Job Profit Report
  • Profit Report
  • Staff Billing Report

New report types - September 2024:

  • Productivity Report
  • KPI Dashboard
  • Productivity Dashboard
  • Write On/Off
  • Hours Analysis Report
  • Aged WIP Report
  • Job Cost Report
  • Lost Earnings Report
  • Non Invoiced Time Report
  • Job WIP Balances Report
  • WIP Control Report
  • Staff Time Write Up Report
Custom Reports Table Report Layout

Report Types:
  • Client & Contact
  • Client Note
  • Current Job
  • Custom Client Rates
  • Invoice
  • Invoice (Cancelled)
  • Invoice (Draft)
  • Invoice Cost
  • Invoice Phase
  • Invoice Note
  • Invoice Task
  • Invoiced Time
  • Job
  • Job Allocation
  • Job Cost
  • Job Document
  • Job Note
  • Job Task
  • Job Task Allocation
  • Job To-do
  • Lead
  • Lead Activity
  • Lead History
  • Milestone
  • Payment
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Order Cost
  • Quote
  • Quote Cost
  • Quote Phase
  • Quote Note
  • Quote Option
  • Quote Task
  • Recurring Job
  • Supplier & Contact
  • Task Admin
  • Time
  • Time Productivity
  • Work In Progress
  • Write Offs (Payments)
  • WIP ledger - end of March 2024 ✅
Bar chart report layout - Q4 2024
Pie chart report layout - Q4 2024
Monthly summary report layout - Q4 2024

Report types:
  • Purchase receipt - September 2024
  • Purchase receipt item - September 2024

Ability to export custom report as a PDF - September 2024

Ability to edit existing filter criteria whilst viewing a custom report - September 2024

Ability to create/save load advanced filter views* - end of September 2024

Collaboration Manager
  • Receive emails sent to account address
  • Process email as notes and attachments as documents
  • Automatically allocate to jobs/quotes
  • Manually allocate to jobs/quotes/leads/clients
  • Automatically allocate to leads - early June 2024 ✅

V1 Native Mobile App iPhone/Android
  • Not yet available
  • All functionality as per current WorkflowMax by Xero mobile app - beta end of May 2024 ✅
  • View custom fields - early July 2024  ✅
  • Sync documents/images with  an integrated DMS (Google Drive/Dropbox/Box) - end of July 2024
  • Edit custom fields - early September 2024 


Developer Portal
  • Create developer application
  • Vend Client ID & Secret
  • OAuth 2.0 code flow to authorise account access
  • API V1 available to support existing integrations
  • API V2 with extended/updated endpoints* - Q4 2024
Migration tool
  • Refer to migrate guide for what data is migrated
DMS - Google Drive
  • All functionality
  • Search Google Drive - mid-April 2024

DMS - Dropbox
  • All functionality - mid-May 2024

DMS - Box
  • Not yet available
  • All functionality - end of May 2024

DMS - SuiteFiles
  • Not yet available
  • All functionality - early September 2024
Integration - Xero
  • All functionality excluding timesheet export and invoice import
  • Premium: Import invoices - early June 2024
  • Export timesheets to Payroll (AU) - mid August 2024
  • Initial contact sync - Q4 2024
  • Export timesheets to payroll (UK, NZ)* - Q3 2024
Integration - HubSpot
  • Not yet available
  • All functionality as per current HubSpot integration - early September 2024

Disclaimer: This product roadmap is for information purposes only and designed to guide you on what is live and what is scheduled for development and should not be considered a commitment or guarantee. Features and functionality are subject to change at WorkflowMax by BlueRock's discretion. Make purchasing decisions based on what is currently available.